Sunday, July 7, 2013


Today being the first Sunday in July is Fast and Testimony Meeting at every single Mormon church. Pretty cool right?! 

It's always been one of my favorite Sunday's. I love hearing from people. I love hearing what people believe and their experiences that have brought them to that point. I love testimony because it's something that everyone has or is working on. It's something that is yours and that no one can take from you. 

It's what you know to be true. 

A couple times on my mission in Alabama my testimony was questioned, but it doesn't change the fact I know what I know. And sometimes I wish I could give it to people!

My testimony is my conviction. It's what keeps me going. It's why I go to church every Sunday. It's why I try to be more Christlike in all I do. Because of the things I know to be true...

Most important I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that He lives and loves us. I know that He is my Savior. I know that He lived and died for me. And you. I know that He knows exactly how I feel and exactly what I go through. I know He is always there. No matter what. He is my doctor, my therapist, my friend, and my personal Savior! What a blessing to have that knowledge. 

That keeps me going and makes me want to do better, every day, for Him!

I know that when Jesus was here on the Earth He established His church and He called twelve Apostles. When they died so did God's authority, putting the world in a state of Apostasy. But just like He always does, God called another Prophet to restore Christ's church back to the Earth.

I know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God. He was called of God to do a mighty work and restore Christ's church back to the earth. So many true and precious truths were restored back to the earth for us; families can be sealed together forever in the house of the Lord, people can be baptized with God's authority, also known as the Priesthood, more scriptures were revealed - The Book of Mormon. I know that it is the word of God along with the Bible and it brings us closer to Christ.

The Heaven's are still open.

We still have a Prophet of God on the earth today and what a blessing that is!

I don't know about you but I think this world is getting crazier and crazier. So grateful to know that if I follow the Prophet I will not go astray. I love, love listening to their words and council on how I can live a happy, healthy life!

I'm so grateful for my faith, conviction, and testimony. 

Grateful that every month I can reflect on it, sometimes share it with the congregation, and strengthen it. 

Whatever testimony you have, hang out to it. Strengthen it. Just like a seed, it will grow. But will it grow without water? Without sunlight? Without attention? No... it won't. 

Same with your testimony. In order for it to grow, you have to water it, go to church, read your scriptures, pray. You have to give it sunlight, ponder on it, reflect on it.

With a little nourishment, it will grow....

Thanks for reading!