About Me

Being a Mormon means the world to me. Everything in my house has a place. I always have chapstick and my cell phone with me. I'm constantly twirling my hair. Music is my favorite. My kids will one day say, "My parents met on their mission." I love that. I love iEverything. I don't like carrying a purse but it's always with me. I love cleaning and organizing. Weird, I know. I love my family. I love to travel and see the world. I love talking about the gospel. I'm currently attending college majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies. I love learning about behavior. Someday I'll graduate. I have my dream job = stay-at-home Mom & I wouldn't want it any other way. Every day is an adventure and I love it!

I went to a Youth Conference, where the youth of the church go on an activity, when I was 14 years old. We went camping and attended the Manti Pageant. While waiting for the pageant to start, my friends and I were looking around to see if there were any cute boys. I saw a cute boy and pointed him out. He started walking towards us with two of his friends that were girls. They were from California and came to Utah to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We sat down on the grass and talked to them for about an hour. They asked us a lot of questions and were so interested in learning what we knew. I remember reading scriptures to them and sharing my testimony. I realized from that experience that I had the true Church of Jesus Christ in my life. I didn't need to go on a road trip to find it. I had it, and sometimes I didn't want to go to church. From then on I made an effort to always attend church and not take it for granted. From then on I wanted to serve a mission and share what I knew to be true with everyone. Experience after experience has lead me to know the truth. That is why I'm a Mormon. I know that Christ lives and loves us. I know that He is my Redeemer, Savior, and friend. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith to restore Christ's church back to the earth. I know that we have Apostles and a Prophet today to help us with our time. His church is for us so that we can return to live with Him someday. I'm forever grateful that my mom joined this church so that I could be raised a member. It has forever blessed my life!

It makes me want to be a better person and try harder every day. It keeps Christ at the forefront of my mind and reminds me to be Christ-like in all I do. It turns my weaknesses into strengths. It teaches me how to be a better daughter, sister, wife, and friend. I'm forever grateful for the faith I have in my Heavenly Father and Savior. I try to strengthen it every day by going to church each week, reading my scriptures, praying to my Father in Heaven, reading the scriptures with my husband, and having Family Home Evening each week. I know it's true with all of my heart. I want to live it the best I can and share it with everyone!

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