Monday, October 21, 2013


Lately I've been thinking about how easy it is to let Satan creep his way into our lives.

Our whole lives we are told to: read your scriptures, pray individually and with your family, have family home evening, stand in holy places, etc.


First you say a swear word or two here and there, you watch a rated R movie - there's worse PG-13 movies out there you tell yourself, you go to a party where there's alcohol - it's fine you won't drink, your friends want to go gamble - it's just a night of entertainment, you hardly go to your own ward because you travel a lot - at least you go to church, you don't really read your scriptures because you're so busy with school, work, and life, you're lucky if you get a prayer in at night because you're so tired....

See how the trap begins...

See how Satan can creep his way into your life so slowly that you don't even notice...

See why you're told to read your scriptures, go to church, say your prayers, etc.
Because it makes all the difference!

If you want to stay strong, you need to be strong!

Stand up for what you believe in!

You have better words to use then swear words - trust me, you don't need to see a rated R movie - even if it's only rated R because of swearing, you don't need to go to a party where there will be alcohol or drugs - it's not a good atmosphere nor does it make you feel good to be there, play 21 at a friends house using candy, set a time aside where you can read your scriptures for even just 10 minutes out of your whole day...

Taking inventory and seeing where we're at in life will help us resist temptation and also help us stay away from Satan's traps that he sets ever so slightly.

Christ is the way. The only way.

He is the truth, the light, and THE source for true lasting happiness.

What will you do to make sure Satan is not creeping his way into your life??