Thursday, January 19, 2017

good vs bad

Something I've been thinking about lately is all the bad in the world. Specifically all the bad things that happen to children. Why do children have to go through such terrible things? Why do some kids get abused? It just breaks your heart when you hear those stories.

Some might ask, why would God let that happen?

I'm sure it breaks His heart just as much if not more than ours. I'm sure He hates every single bad thing that happens to His children. Just as any parent would.

Unfortunately on this earth there is good and there is bad. There has to be BOTH. How would we know if something was bad? How would we know if something was good? How would we know pain? How would we know heartbreak if we never had it happen? How would we know joy? Could you really know one without the other? How would we learn and grow? Should we just have a world full of good and nothing else?

I wish!! Wouldn't that be nice. Some day we will. But because of the fall of Adam and Eve we had to have opposition in ALL things. We do have bad things on this earth BUT there is soooo much good! SO much good!

It's too bad that the world/media tends to focus on all the bad. Those are the stories we hear all. the. time. No wonder we get down and depressed about the world.

Seek out the good! Seek out the volunteers of the world, people that go to other countries and serve, people that serve in their own community, hospitals, the food bank, the list is never ending... There are so many good people, good acts of service that go on every single day.

It is so unfortunate that some people go through bad things even terrible things on this earth but it's part of the plan. Every person on this earth has their agency to choose. It's sad and terrible that some choose to be bad, evil, and not be good people. If only every one would choose good and choose God.

One day He will come and He will rule and reign. There's not a doubt in my mind that all things will be made right. There's not a doubt in my mind that He won't take care of His children.

But until then I will choose good and I will choose God!