Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I listened to a podcast about modesty with Julie B. Beck. She talked about it perfectly! 

So many great messages and thoughts I got from it. Here is a recap. 


A lady asked a question about what do we wear to the Temple, is okay to wear this or that, or what do we say to people who are dressed a certain way for the Temple? What do we say? 

"Welcome to the Temple!" - Julie B. Beck

Many sisters are wearing pants to church these days? What do we say or do we leave that to the Relief Society President? What about flip-flops or sandals? What can we do to encourage better dress all around? 

"In the church we do not have dress police! We do not have the dress code police in the church. That's it. We are not responsible for policing each others behavior. Our behavior is between us and the Lord and the Bishop and he is the one we declare our worthiness to. That's the measure. We are expected to be a self correcting people!"  

"We can lead by example, we can love, we can teach principles, and we can be kind. We don't reproach. We're all in a different place in our covenant keeping."

"I have met sisters who come to the Temple with plastic bags on their feet. Why? Because they don't own shoes. They want to come to the Temple in a respectful way. It's that attitude the Lord is looking for."

"The rule of thumb which I have for myself is that where ordinances are taking place and covenants are being made, the standard of dress is higher. That's a sign that we understand the importance of an ordinance and a covenant and we're willing to reflect that in the way we dress." 

"I think in our culture that has become so casual in general we think that all events have the same important informality but they don't. We have formal places to carry on the Lord's work where we make covenants."

How can we accept people that are on different parts of the spectrum?

"We are all not in the same place. A lot of the time we learn from the new ones. There is much we can learn from each other."

She shared a story about a women who was sitting in the Temple in Paraguay in a beautiful white sleeveless dress. She went up to her and talked to her. She had been a member for 3 months and she's waiting for the day she can go in and make covenants. Sister Beck asked her, "Why are you at the Temple?" She said, "I love to sit in the Temple." Sister Beck asked her about her beautiful white dress. She said, "I knew that people wear white in the Temple so I bought it so that I could wear it here to read my scriptures."

"Here's a new member who doesn't know we wear sleeves in the Temple but by the time she receives her own endowments, she will. It was her heart that was beautiful." 


I love learning, pondering, and listening to principles about the gospel. I love strengthening my own understanding about why I do the things I do and why it's important. It's not because I was just told to do it, it's because it's important to the Lord. It's because it's an outward expression of my inner commitment to Him. It does show how committed you are to the gospel. 

So when we look at others we shouldn't look at them in a judging way, think less of them, or think I'm better. Our actions are a reflection of our testimony. Instead, we should think how can I help strengthen their testimony? How can I be a good example?

What do your actions say about your testimony and commitment to the Savior?
What does your dress and appearance say about your testimony?

Modesty is one way we can show the Lord that we follow Him.

Thanks for reading!

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