Saturday, June 8, 2013

should Christian women wear bikinis?

What do you think?

The other day I was looking through my news feed and saw this video posted by my cousin who is male. He said: "This is really well said. Great research that proves 'modest is hottest."

I love research! Especially information like this, maybe that's why I'm majoring in Psychology. 

I loved this. It shows what a man's brain does when they view women in modest and immodest clothing. Do we really understand what it does? Do we care? 

I loved his point that if a boy were to walk into a girls locker room and they were just in their underwear and bra, girls would scream and grab a towel to cover up. But at the beach they wear the exact same amount of clothing and it's fine. They may be comfortable but the male's brain stays the same.

What do you think? Should women wear bikinis?

Thanks for reading!

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