Thursday, May 23, 2013

the important thing about yelling

Something else I will probably blog about is... parenting! Weird? Probably. But I love it! I'm majoring in Psychology with a minor in Family and Human Development and I've discovered a love for parenting. I've been interested in behavior for a while now but just recently realized how into parenting I am. That's what I want to do with my degree. Whether it's teach parenting classes, helping parents with behavior plans, etc. Something to that effect.

But that's kind of intimidating all at the same time. Because if I'm going to go into parenting you think I would have perfect children right. Well I just might... ;) Jk! We'll be far from perfect... but that's what helps interest me more because I want to learn, learn, learn everything I can about it and it just might help me when our time comes.

I read this article today and loved it!

Little did I know that the actual blog is amazing!

"My moment of painful awareness that propelled me on a Hands Free journey to let go of distraction and grasp what really mattered." 

"With a lighten load, I was able to react to my children’s mistakes and wrongdoings in a more calm, compassionate, and reasonable manner."

"Just imagine if you let all areas of life just BE instead of trying to create the end result that you want or that you imagine."

Reminds me of a song... "I just wanna feel this moment..."

I love how she talks about learning to just enjoy life and not miss it because of daily distractions. That's something I've definitely learned and am still learning. Those of you who know me, know that everything in my house has a place. When I first got married I said something about our house being a mess and my husband said, "Yeah, we live here."

I realized then that, yeah we do live here and sometimes things are going to be out of place and messy and that's okay.

It's fun reading blogs and knowing you're not the only one ;)

So back to the original article... 

Perfect parenting advice. I absolutely love it and have seen it in my own life with my siblings. Story...

It was Sunday and my 8 year old sister and I were getting ready for church. We were just stepping into the car when I hear a loud pop sound and dark liquid exploded everywhere. When she got into the car there was a fountain drink in the cup holder in the door. She accidentally stepped on it getting into the car causing Coke to go everywhere! 

"Oops looks like we need to go get some towels!" 

I don't remember exactly what I said but I remember seeing my sister almost get upset but then realizing it wasn't a big deal. Accidents happen and sometimes we spill Coke. There's nothing you can do about it. It's already done and getting mad, upset, angry over spilled Coke will do nothing.

This is something that will happen time and time again being a parent... The thing we need to master is how we react to it...

Great reminder of letting things go and grasping what really matters.

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