Monday, May 20, 2013

love. only love.

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday... 

Today has been a great, relaxing day. 

I went to work, took a nap when I got home, met the girls at the pool, we soaked up the sun, talked, and then we went to lunch at Panera Bread, which is SO good by the way. They have great sandwiches, soup, and salad. 

When I got home I got on Facebook, was looking at my news feed, and came across this post....

Read it here!

You HAVE to read it!! 

It's about a man, who is Mormon, he's gay, is married to a woman, and has 3 daughters... 

This post was inspiring to me. What an amazing couple. They're open, honest, and have an amazing relationship. Their words can inspire all of us. It can be applied to all aspects of life and with all people. 

One of my favorite parts about this post was this: 

"If you know and love somebody who is gay and LDS (or Christian), your job is to love and nothing more. Let go of your impulse to correct them or control them or propel them down the path you think is right for them. Do what you need to do to move past that impulse.  Do not condemn the choices your loved one makes. Love. Only love. Show your love in word and deed. Embrace them, both literally and figuratively. I promise they need it—and they need to feel like they can figure out this part of themselves in a safe way without ridicule and judgment. It’s what Christ would do. It’s what your loved one needs. Accept them. Love them. Genuinely and totally." 

I really, really loved that. Love. Only love.

That's something that I've been working on and will continue working on until the day I die...

Loving, not judging... not only homosexuality, with everything...

I want to be the type of person that loves everyone for who they are. I want to see everyone how Christ sees them. I don't want to say any unkind words about someone. I want to love them. I want that to be who I am. I want to be able to hear something about someone and not have one rude word enter my thoughts or come out of my mouth. I want this to be who I am. God is love... We're all imperfect. We all struggle, with a lot. "Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly" Who am I to say...

I appreciate reading blogs like this that open your mind and make you pause and think...

          How can I do better? 

          How can I really change and apply what I've felt?

I also loved this: 

"You don’t get to choose your circumstances, but you do get to choose what you do with them."

Read the post and feel free to leave a comment on what you got from reading it...

Thanks for reading!

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