Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Al Fox

I love this girl!

I found out about her from Facebook I believe. LDS Living did an article about her. You can read it here!

Her name is Al Fox. She grew up in New York and is a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Her story is incredible. Her faith is incredible. You can read her blog here! She's a lot better at telling her story then I am. Then come back and finish reading...

She is the one that uses #UseTheInternetForGood & she inspired me to start this public blog.

She now goes around and does a ton of speaking! I love her message. It's about not judging but more importantly not getting offended and letting others ruin our eternal salvation. It's about choosing God, every second of every day. Not letting our past or what we've done get in our way. Christ is always there for us.

I hope for those of us that are Mormon will learn from her story to not judge and love, only love! We all have different paths. We all learn things and gain or strengthen our own testimonies at different times. We all have to go through different things in order to learn. Who cares if someone has a tattoo, who cares if someone is wearing jeans at church, the list goes on... Our job is to love and be Christlike. I hope we can do that. If so, the world would definitely be a better place!

So please read her blog, Facebook, watch her YouTube videos, be inspired and help #UseTheInternetForGood!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. She'll be speaking in Provo next Tuesday! https://www.facebook.com/events/604352202910497/
