Monday, May 20, 2013


Friday, May 17, 2013

I went out with the Sister missionaries! I went with them to visit a less-active member earlier today and then to another lesson tonight at the church. Oh how it takes me right back and makes me miss every second of my mission. If I could I think I would be a missionary for the rest of my life! Oh wait I already am... but I mean a full-time missionary! I absolutely loved my mission. Every since I can remember I wanted to serve. Doing the most important work in the world. It brings you a new perspective on what really matters in life. It reminds me where I came from, why I'm here, and where I'm going. It reminds me why I'm really here... to prepare to meet God! Everything I do here or happens to me here is to prepare me to meet God! That's it. That's my purpose here. 

I so love the gospel. It means everything to me. I've always known it was true. I'm so grateful for my faith and testimony in my Savior and His gospel and plan for me. I would really be a mess without it.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves us. I know He wants us to be happy and He has a plan for each one of us. I know as I trust in Him more fully I find lasting peace and happiness. I know that as I turn to Him, He turns my weaknesses into strengths and boy am I grateful for that! He helps me see a new and different perspective on life. He helps me want to treat everyone with love and kindness. He helps me want to serve others. He helps me want to be better every single day, for Him. 

I know that He established His church while he was on the earth and I also know that it fell apart and became lost... There were parts still here but it became changed and corrupted over time. I know that He restored His church back to the earth through a Prophet, like He always does. I know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God. He saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. What an amazing experience. And what a life Joseph Smith had because of this. He lived and died for the cause. He was persecuted and mocked tremendously. Never once did he deny what he saw. He said, "I knew it, I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it." And neither can I. It is so true. So true! 

I wish everyone in the world could feel what I feel. I wish everyone in the world could have the knowledge that I have. We have a loving Heavenly Father and He has a plan for us. 

Going out with the Sisters brings all of this to mind and I'm so grateful.

I absolutely love the gospel and my Savior. 

I hope you do too!  

Thanks for reading!

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