Thursday, May 23, 2013

the important thing about yelling

Something else I will probably blog about is... parenting! Weird? Probably. But I love it! I'm majoring in Psychology with a minor in Family and Human Development and I've discovered a love for parenting. I've been interested in behavior for a while now but just recently realized how into parenting I am. That's what I want to do with my degree. Whether it's teach parenting classes, helping parents with behavior plans, etc. Something to that effect.

But that's kind of intimidating all at the same time. Because if I'm going to go into parenting you think I would have perfect children right. Well I just might... ;) Jk! We'll be far from perfect... but that's what helps interest me more because I want to learn, learn, learn everything I can about it and it just might help me when our time comes.

I read this article today and loved it!

Little did I know that the actual blog is amazing!

"My moment of painful awareness that propelled me on a Hands Free journey to let go of distraction and grasp what really mattered." 

"With a lighten load, I was able to react to my children’s mistakes and wrongdoings in a more calm, compassionate, and reasonable manner."

"Just imagine if you let all areas of life just BE instead of trying to create the end result that you want or that you imagine."

Reminds me of a song... "I just wanna feel this moment..."

I love how she talks about learning to just enjoy life and not miss it because of daily distractions. That's something I've definitely learned and am still learning. Those of you who know me, know that everything in my house has a place. When I first got married I said something about our house being a mess and my husband said, "Yeah, we live here."

I realized then that, yeah we do live here and sometimes things are going to be out of place and messy and that's okay.

It's fun reading blogs and knowing you're not the only one ;)

So back to the original article... 

Perfect parenting advice. I absolutely love it and have seen it in my own life with my siblings. Story...

It was Sunday and my 8 year old sister and I were getting ready for church. We were just stepping into the car when I hear a loud pop sound and dark liquid exploded everywhere. When she got into the car there was a fountain drink in the cup holder in the door. She accidentally stepped on it getting into the car causing Coke to go everywhere! 

"Oops looks like we need to go get some towels!" 

I don't remember exactly what I said but I remember seeing my sister almost get upset but then realizing it wasn't a big deal. Accidents happen and sometimes we spill Coke. There's nothing you can do about it. It's already done and getting mad, upset, angry over spilled Coke will do nothing.

This is something that will happen time and time again being a parent... The thing we need to master is how we react to it...

Great reminder of letting things go and grasping what really matters.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Al Fox

I love this girl!

I found out about her from Facebook I believe. LDS Living did an article about her. You can read it here!

Her name is Al Fox. She grew up in New York and is a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Her story is incredible. Her faith is incredible. You can read her blog here! She's a lot better at telling her story then I am. Then come back and finish reading...

She is the one that uses #UseTheInternetForGood & she inspired me to start this public blog.

She now goes around and does a ton of speaking! I love her message. It's about not judging but more importantly not getting offended and letting others ruin our eternal salvation. It's about choosing God, every second of every day. Not letting our past or what we've done get in our way. Christ is always there for us.

I hope for those of us that are Mormon will learn from her story to not judge and love, only love! We all have different paths. We all learn things and gain or strengthen our own testimonies at different times. We all have to go through different things in order to learn. Who cares if someone has a tattoo, who cares if someone is wearing jeans at church, the list goes on... Our job is to love and be Christlike. I hope we can do that. If so, the world would definitely be a better place!

So please read her blog, Facebook, watch her YouTube videos, be inspired and help #UseTheInternetForGood!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Friday, May 17, 2013

I went out with the Sister missionaries! I went with them to visit a less-active member earlier today and then to another lesson tonight at the church. Oh how it takes me right back and makes me miss every second of my mission. If I could I think I would be a missionary for the rest of my life! Oh wait I already am... but I mean a full-time missionary! I absolutely loved my mission. Every since I can remember I wanted to serve. Doing the most important work in the world. It brings you a new perspective on what really matters in life. It reminds me where I came from, why I'm here, and where I'm going. It reminds me why I'm really here... to prepare to meet God! Everything I do here or happens to me here is to prepare me to meet God! That's it. That's my purpose here. 

I so love the gospel. It means everything to me. I've always known it was true. I'm so grateful for my faith and testimony in my Savior and His gospel and plan for me. I would really be a mess without it.

I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves us. I know He wants us to be happy and He has a plan for each one of us. I know as I trust in Him more fully I find lasting peace and happiness. I know that as I turn to Him, He turns my weaknesses into strengths and boy am I grateful for that! He helps me see a new and different perspective on life. He helps me want to treat everyone with love and kindness. He helps me want to serve others. He helps me want to be better every single day, for Him. 

I know that He established His church while he was on the earth and I also know that it fell apart and became lost... There were parts still here but it became changed and corrupted over time. I know that He restored His church back to the earth through a Prophet, like He always does. I know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God. He saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. What an amazing experience. And what a life Joseph Smith had because of this. He lived and died for the cause. He was persecuted and mocked tremendously. Never once did he deny what he saw. He said, "I knew it, I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it." And neither can I. It is so true. So true! 

I wish everyone in the world could feel what I feel. I wish everyone in the world could have the knowledge that I have. We have a loving Heavenly Father and He has a plan for us. 

Going out with the Sisters brings all of this to mind and I'm so grateful.

I absolutely love the gospel and my Savior. 

I hope you do too!  

Thanks for reading!

ordain Mormon women

I've recently came across an Ordain Women website, where Mormon women are coming together for gender equality and ordination of the Priesthood. I first came across Mormon feminists from the event "Wear Pants to Church Day". 

I think it's all so interesting and it's something that I don't understand. Maybe it's because I'm pretty confident and have never felt unequal or less of a person, and I've especially never felt unequal to men. I've always learned of my role and potential as a Daughter of God and my role as a wife and mother, the most sacred calling on the earth! Do people miss that part? 

After all, we're Relief Society Presidents, Young Women Presidents, Primary Presidents, etc. We have a huge role in the church. Joseph Smith even stated the church wasn't fully organized until the Relief Society was. 

I personally don't want the Priesthood. I don't want to pass the sacrament, sit on the stand, go to meeting after meeting, give blessings, etc... All the while being a mom, taking care of my children, taking care of my home, etc. I would have multiple breakdowns and panic attacks for sure! 

I truly believe that if God wanted women to hold the Priesthood that would have happened from the beginning of time. I don't believe that is something that would change with the times. Women have never held it and then all the sudden? Gender is an essential part of who we are and I think our roles are also essential. I feel like it's set up the way it is for a reason, we're not meant to be "equal" in this sense. Shouldn't we have different roles in the family? 

The Proclamation to the Family is a beautiful document that explains it so well...



 and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.
ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.
IN THE PREMORTAL REALM, spirit sons and daughters knew and worshipped God as their Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize their divine destiny as heirs of eternal life. The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.
THE FIRST COMMANDMENT that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
WE DECLARE the means by which mortal life is created to be divinely appointed. We affirm the sanctity of life and of its importance in God’s eternal plan.
HUSBAND AND WIFE have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives—mothers and fathers—will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.
THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.
WE WARN that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.
WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.
This proclamation was read by President Gordon B. Hinckley as part of his message at the General Relief Society Meeting held September 23, 1995, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

It stated it beautifully, "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their familes. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nuture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

By divine design...

Those are some of my thoughts. I try to be and feel like I'm a really open minded person so feel free to comment and share your thoughts if you have any.

Thanks for reading!

praise to the man

...who communed with Jehovah!
Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer.
Blessed to open the last dispensation,
Kings shall extol him, and nations revere."

- Praise to the Man

Today marks the 168th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

I watched this clip...

...and reflected on; my testimony, how much Emma and Joseph sacrificed, watching her watch her husband ride away knowing he wouldn't come back broke my heart... I can't imagine....I thought about what it means to me to have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.

I'm forever grateful that a young man with a lot of questions did as James directs in the Bible and he asked of God. I'm forever grateful that Christ restored His church back to the Earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Giving us that proper authority to perform saving ordinances. He was riducled, beat, and hated.... still is. But he went on. He never once denied anything. Neither did the witnesses. He lived and died for truth! I'm forever grateful for his sacrifice that would bring millions the peace and happiness that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings.

I know he was a true Prophet of God and because of that I have more tools to bring me closer to my Savior Jesus Christ. More scriptures to read, the fullness of the gospel, the Priesthood of God in my home, the plan of salvation, and so much more...

The gospel of Jesus Christ has given me so much peace, happiness, faith, hope, and assurance in my life. Life changes, a lot sometimes, but the gospel never does... it's always been there for me! My Savior's always been there for me! It fills my heart and soul with joy. It makes me want to be a better person. It makes me want to love as Christ loves and forgive as Christ forgives. It makes me want to live life to the fullest. It makes me want to learn new things and grow. It makes me want to travel the world and see all different walks of life and serve. It makes me want to be successful. It makes me want to have a beautiful family that knows and loves the Lord.

Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us a Savior, an example and friend. Thank you for restoring His gospel and giving us all the tools we need to live a happy and successful life. Thank you for paving the way so that I can return to You.

Thank you Facebook for reminding me of this anniversary and giving me the chance to reflect and fill my heart with the spirit, joy, and gratitude.

See, Facebook is good! :)

Thanks for reading!

love. only love.

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday... 

Today has been a great, relaxing day. 

I went to work, took a nap when I got home, met the girls at the pool, we soaked up the sun, talked, and then we went to lunch at Panera Bread, which is SO good by the way. They have great sandwiches, soup, and salad. 

When I got home I got on Facebook, was looking at my news feed, and came across this post....

Read it here!

You HAVE to read it!! 

It's about a man, who is Mormon, he's gay, is married to a woman, and has 3 daughters... 

This post was inspiring to me. What an amazing couple. They're open, honest, and have an amazing relationship. Their words can inspire all of us. It can be applied to all aspects of life and with all people. 

One of my favorite parts about this post was this: 

"If you know and love somebody who is gay and LDS (or Christian), your job is to love and nothing more. Let go of your impulse to correct them or control them or propel them down the path you think is right for them. Do what you need to do to move past that impulse.  Do not condemn the choices your loved one makes. Love. Only love. Show your love in word and deed. Embrace them, both literally and figuratively. I promise they need it—and they need to feel like they can figure out this part of themselves in a safe way without ridicule and judgment. It’s what Christ would do. It’s what your loved one needs. Accept them. Love them. Genuinely and totally." 

I really, really loved that. Love. Only love.

That's something that I've been working on and will continue working on until the day I die...

Loving, not judging... not only homosexuality, with everything...

I want to be the type of person that loves everyone for who they are. I want to see everyone how Christ sees them. I don't want to say any unkind words about someone. I want to love them. I want that to be who I am. I want to be able to hear something about someone and not have one rude word enter my thoughts or come out of my mouth. I want this to be who I am. God is love... We're all imperfect. We all struggle, with a lot. "Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly" Who am I to say...

I appreciate reading blogs like this that open your mind and make you pause and think...

          How can I do better? 

          How can I really change and apply what I've felt?

I also loved this: 

"You don’t get to choose your circumstances, but you do get to choose what you do with them."

Read the post and feel free to leave a comment on what you got from reading it...

Thanks for reading!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Lately I've been feeling grateful...

Yesterday in Relief Society we talked about this wonderful talk...
Forget Me Not by Dieter F. Uchtdorf

What an amazing talk for women! He gave 5 things we be wise never to forget. 

Some of my favorite parts include;

"First, forget not to be patient with yourself.

God is fully aware that you and I are not perfect.
Let me add: God is fully aware that the people you think are perfect are not.

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
It's wonderful that you have strengths.
And it is part of your mortal experience that you do have weaknesses.

Be thankful for all the small successes in your home, your family relationships, your education and livelihood, your Church participation and personal improvement. 

Second, forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.

"Am I committing my time and energies to the things that matter most?"

Heavenly Father is most pleased when we sacrifice something good for something far greater with an eternal perspective.

Third, forget not to be happy now.

He talks about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the 'golden ticket'. 
So many people today are waiting for their own golden ticket- the ticket that they believe holds the key to the happiness they have always dreamed about. For some, the golden ticket may be a perfect marriage; for others, a magazine-cover home or perhaps freedom from stress or worry.

There is nothing wrong with righteous yearnings. The problem comes when we put our happiness on hold as we wait for some future event- our golden ticket- to appear.

This is not to say that we should abandon hope or temper our goals. Never stop striving for the best that is within you. Never stop hoping for all of the righteous desires of your heart. But don't close your eyes and hearts ot the simple and elegant beauties of each day's ordinary moments that make up a rich, well-lived life.

The happiest people I know are not those who find their golden ticket; they are those who, while in pursuit of worth goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave a tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their lives. These are they who are truly happy.

Fourth, forget not the "why" of the gospel.

We focus on what the Lord wants us to do and how we might do it, but we sometimes forget why.

My dear sisters, the gospel of Jesus Christ is not an obligation; it is a pathway, marked by our loving Heavely Father in Heaven, leading to happiness and peace in this life and glory and inexpressible fultillment in the life to come. 

When we understand why our Heavenly Father has given us this pattern for living, when we remember why we committed to making it a foundational part of our lives, the gospel ceases to become a burden and, instead, becomes a joy and a delight. It becomes precious and sweet. 

Fifth, forget not that the Lord loves you.

You are not forgotten.

Sisters, wherever you are, whatever your circumstance may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you with an infinite love.

Just think of it: You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe! You are loved by the King of infinite space and everlasting time!

God loves you because you are His child. He loves you even though at time you may feel lonely or make mistakes. 

The love of God and the power of the restored gospel are redemtpive and saving. If you will only allow His divine love into your life, it can dress any wound, heal any hurt, and soften any sorrow. 

My dear Relief Society sisters, you are closer to heaven than you suppose. You are destined for more than you can possibly imagine  Continue to increase in faith and personal righteousness  Accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ as your way of life. Cherish the gift of activity in the great and true Church. Treasure the gift of service in the blesses organization of Relief Society. Continue to strengthen homes and families. Continue to seek out and help others who need your and the Lord's help.

Please never forget that you must be patient and compassionate with yourselves, that some sacrifices are better than others, that you need not wait for a golden ticket to be happy. Please never foget the "why" of the gospel of Jesus Christ will inspire and uplift you. And never forget that your Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes you."

- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Wasn't that great?! I LOVE that talk! What powerful words and statements he uses. How true it is! 

My thoughts just kept going back to being grateful. That has been something that has really helped me find joy in the journey and to not wish these days away. 

I think we all do it. Especially when you're first married, living in a two bedroom apartment. You dream of your future house, what new furniture you want, and how cute your going to decorate. As I've become focused on being grateful for what I have, my wishing has faded.

I'm thankful for all my clothes, my $50 dollar couch, my piano and 50's table. I'm thankful for our TV, entertainment center, for my bed, my camera, my computer, and all my junk! I'm thankful for our jobs and that we can get an education.

Being grateful is powerful and can really change your attitude. Try it.

I love how he talked about the 'golden ticket'. Goes right along with my thoughts. We'll never be happy, if we're waiting for something else...

When I'm in a new house, with the perfect furniture, and it decorated just how I want it, then I'll be happy.
When we make more money, then I'll be happy.
When I have kids and I can stay at home, then I'll be happy.
When I have a perfect marriage, then I'll be happy.

Money doesn't buy happiness. Nothing does. We decide that now.

Even most of the kids that actually got the 'golden ticket' weren't happy! A great example of once those things come, doesn't mean that our happiness will as well.

I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and teaches me things everyday. I'm thankful for a loving husband who has such a strong testimony of the gospel and tries to improve with me everyday. I'm so thankful for the friends Heavenly Father has given us and for the examples they are and for how much fun we have! 

Just last night we watched the movie 17 Miracles. If you haven't seen it, watch it! What a testimony that God lives! What faith those early saints had. I'm forever grateful for their sacrifice, all that they endured, and for their faith. 

I know my Savior lives and loves His children. I know He is there watching us and wants the best for us. I know He can't wait for all of us to return to Him someday. I'm thankful for the gospel that reminds me each week of the things that matter most in life. Reminds me why I'm here and helps me know how I can be better. I'm thankful to go each week to be inspired as I was this past week. 

The gospel of Jesus Christ is restored and it's so true. Nothing has brought me more peace and comfort. 

For that I'm very grateful!

Thanks for reading!

new blog

Hello world & welcome to my blog!

My name is Jenna. I'm 25 years old. I'm married - in August it will be 3 years. Attending college with 3 semesters left. I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka Mormon. I love it and probably most of my posts will have something to do with it. I love traveling and seeing the world. I love an adventure but I'm kind of a chicken. I love taking pictures and have since I was like 12. I love family and spending any moment with any of them. I have the best group of married friends in the whole world. I always have chap-stick with me and I play with my hair constantly. I love music and Ellen DeGeneres. She's hilarious.

I wanted to have blog that anyone could read so this is it!

I'm going to post some older posts that I want here.


Thanks for reading!